Charts & Pricing

  • Birth Chart


    An Astro Kabbalah Birth Chart reveals the meaning of your past, present & future personal life story. The chart will clarify the hidden logic behind life events, so that when they take place at the time that they’re supposed to, you will recognize them for what they are. This will assist you to go through these events without destructive resentment, projection or blame. This chart will assist you in taking responsibility for your own life instead of naturally adopting a victim mentality. Furthermore, this chart will benefit you in going to the next level of your life’s events cycle without being "stuck". You will perceive the larger meaning & context of what accrued in your life and how your unique life history correlates with your soul's program here on Earth. You will become a real winner, since you'll overcome obstacles on your path differently and more effectively!

  • Solar Birth Chart


    The Solar Birthday Chart or Solar Return Chart is calculated for the exact moment the Sun returns to its "natal" or birth position each year. It is your yearly birthday chart, which changes every year around your birthday for the entire year until your next birthday. It adds important, relevant information for your own use for that particular year.

    -A Past Solar Birthday Chart is an excellent tool to evaluate the past year.

    -A Present Solar Birthday Chart will help you assess and predict the themes that will arise for you during your next solar year and the most effective way of how to deal with them.

  • Progression Chart


    A Progression Chart indicates what happens in your psyche in terms of your personal development from past years until the present moment. The sum of the internal changes which accumulate in you on a personal level as a result of your life’s events till the present stage of your life.

  • Numerology Chart


    A Numerology Chart is based on the letters of your original name and/or the numerical sum of your own date of birth regardless of your time or place of birth. It will reveal additional information about your life’s meaning.

    If you do not have your time of birth this chart can replace your regular astrology Kabbalah chart.

  • Relationship Chart - Midpoint Composite Chart


    The Midpoint Composite Chart is a chart of the dynamic of a couple’s relationship. This chart is of the interactions of your unique energy with another person's personal energy. It uses the midpoints of both individual’s charts which creates a third chart - a third completely unique energy, which clarifies the underlying currents of your relationship with each other and will describe the hidden unique dynamic of your relationship with one another in the present and for the long run. This combination chart characterizes the interaction of energy that belongs only to you two alone and what purpose it serves for you both, bonding with each other in life.

  • Synastry Chart


    The Synastry Chart is about the combination of two individual Birth Chart planets in order to reveal the potential dynamic of the couple’s relationship.

  • Astro Place Chart

    Astro Place Chart


    A chart of the beneficial places in the world for you to travel to or to live.

  • Gift Card


    Add an additional chart to your reading as a gift for someone else.