About Kabbalah & Astrology

Each one of us has a different path, a unique plan and an underlying purpose that reveals itself through all the events in our life that are unfolding in their specific predestined timing.

It was astonishing for me to see throughout the years how, and what someone’s chart indicated in their reading and how it really manifests later in their real life - at the exact time as their chart indicated and in a very natural way - not by any unnatural “miracle”.

I then had to let go of my analytical, skeptical mind. After seeing thousands of charts along the years I had to conclude that we are more than just a physical body who has a mind - but that we have a soul that has its inner unique program and life journey and not only for itself but also for the good of all . I didn’t understand it in theory, I saw it in people’s charts with my own eyes.

As a result of my new realization, the process of integrating both Kabbalah and Astrology gradually started to take place internally and the strong correlation between the two finally became very obvious to me.

While astrology reveals the nature of the events that will take place in ones chart and in what time frame to expect them, Kabbalah explains why it happens to one person but not to another. It also explains what will be the best way to approach it, in order to take it to the highest level possible for that person’s chart capacity; so that their soul will be able to grow as a result of the good or bad that they will encounter in their life - instead of being busy in self accusation, shame or self destruction as a results of lack of knowledge or any perspective about what their specific journey is all about.

A human being comes to the end of themselves - no matter what knowledge they gain or what sophisticated mental techniques they exercise for their own good or even for the good of others. In the end it all goes back to our creator.

It is God - our higher power - who teaches us how to use and “fix” a particular issue that surfaces for a reason at a certain time frame in our life - and one of his tools is through kabbalah. By using the energy of that event in a way that will lead us to our next higher level, instead of being crushed by our egos or by feeling threatened - where often the human’s tendency is to use protective - often manipulative tactics - to “solve “ the issue which eventually hurt themselves - not only others!

Our ego helps our journey to a certain degree by motivating us. However, without understanding that God is part of the equation; that he created our unique life events in order to guide our souls through those situations - we start to create stagnation in our lives.

It is as with the example of the red and black ants in a jar who live peacefully next to each other until someone from outside the jar shakes it, then each group of ants start to fight each other - since they are all sure that the other group shook the jar in order to hurt them. Without understanding that there are higher forces that we can’t perceive with our limited physical sight - who are trying to navigate our lives - as unseen spiritual forces - beyond our physical capacity to see them - we will spend our life blindly wasting our energies in all the wrong places and eventually will feel aimless and empty in the end of our life journey.

if we want God to lead us - not any other “questionable” forces - we need to look up to His guidance!

We can not rely on our own human understanding alone!

We will benefit from Kabbalah which takes a different outlook on life. Often as a contrast to how society as a whole will define function, success or failure. According to Kabbalah every soul is precious and every soul has endless wisdom and an inner free choice of how to approach its calling. This comes to fruition through all of a person’s life events, including the so called "bad" and "good" ones. They all contribute to our soul’s primary purpose and to the bigger picture of God's individual plan for us.

Kabbalah doesn’t use any formulas or high superlatives to measure what we consider as “stupidity” or “cleverness”, etc., but instead tells us that everyone is here for a different role and reason. For more developed souls it’s one that is never for them alone, which often involves sacrifice of their earthly image, facade, ego and even the often called “unfortunate” life circumstances - all for a higher purpose and for the good of all. This soul’s sacrifice of the ego always takes place where one’s Lilith is located in their chart - (Lilith is a Kabbalistic “planet” in everyone’s chart and is located in different house and issue for different people.

Love, acceptance, and compassion toward ourselves and towards our fellow humans is the only remedy and healing for our souls and for our world. Lessons that we learn through our own life events enables us to eventually reach a desirable stage of consciousness.

Different lessons at different times for different people will expand the wisdom of our souls and its capacity for unconditional love and for inner spiritual strength before we return to our real home - to God - our heavenly father.